Jamie “JT” Mena, On Air Talent, Photographer, Journalist
Jamie has truly excelled as the On-Air Talent for the weekly and homeroom announcements, elevating it to an art form that will be difficult for future Hawk anchors to match. Set to graduate in the class of 2025, Jamie is a young Black man with a promising future. Besides being a student athlete he’s the CEO of an upcoming fashion brand named So Smoove Apparel created in 2024 based off his confidence in his work and his self confidence as a whole, but he also follows in the footsteps of several of his uncles as he aspires to join the Army. Often described by teachers as inspiring, proactive, and the outline of a well-rounded individual destined for success, Jamie exudes self-confidence in all his endeavors. His ability to infuse his peers with energy and laughter serves as a source of personal joy and motivation for others. While he’s not in front of the camera he’s also good behind the camera as he takes pictures to perfect his craft both off and on camera.