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The Student News Site of Augustus F. Hawkins High School

The Advocate News @Hawkins

The Advocate News @Hawkins

The Student News Site of Augustus F. Hawkins High School

The Advocate News @Hawkins

The Advocate News @Hawkins

Francisca Henriquez

Francisca Henriquez, Reporter

Francisca is a female, age 16, born on November 2, 2008 (Day of the Dead) in Los Angeles, California. She was born into a Salvadorian family. She grew up with both her parents in a small home with six siblings.  Currently she is a sophomore at Augustus F. Hawkins High School and will be graduating in 2027. Francisca has two cats named Michi and Coco. What other schools has she attended?  Budlong Elementary, John Muir Middle School, and now Augustus Hawkins High School. Her hobbies include drawing, listening to music,  going out in nature, and playing games. Her future goals are to become a helpful nurse. She hopes to be happy and successful after high school.

All content by Francisca Henriquez
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