Your donation will support the student journalists at Augustus F. Hawkins High School. Your generous contribution will allow us to print the newspaper and mental health magazine, purchase equipment and cover our annual website hosting costs.
Su donación apoyará a los estudiantes periodistas de la Escuela Secundaria Augustus F. Hawkins. Su generosa contribución nos permitirá imprimir el periódico y la revista de salud mental, comprar equipos y cubrir nuestros costos anuales de alojamiento de sitios web.
Tyler is a senior at Augustus Hawkins High School (Class of 2025). He grew up with photography so he is very passionate about it. He attends youth groups after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. He likes listening to any kind of music (just not country) and playing video games at home. He also likes going out and connecting with nature. He has a future planned out. Tyler is set to leave for the Navy after he graduates. Tyler is the second generation to graduate from Hawkins; his brother from RISE and sister from CHAS, both graduated in 2016. Tyler is a person who lives day by day, he doesn’t stress about the past or the future because, “it’s out of our control, instead, enjoy every moment with family and friends.”
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