What kind of depression do people have?
- There can be many type the most common at hawkins is major depression. That is having symptoms loss of appetite sleeping a lot of even less sleep, suicidal thoughts. Types of major depression include melancholia, psychotic and antenatal or postnatal. They can even have anxeity and also not wanting to talk to anyone.
How could depression affect my sleep?
- Sometimes depression affects sleep because people stay up thinking. Some also cant sleep they might be having panic attacks or anxiety. There is also other different type pf depression where you can sleep a lot. You oversleep a lot and that can also be bad for your mental health. According to the consular that can be a way of escaping your own feelings or facing fears.
Could depression be causing physical pain?
- Not so much physical , the one there is fugitive with no motivation, and always tired. Some cases have been that some people do try to harm themselves. Some might cause headaches. Sometimes it causes backpain. Sometimes fugitive can be a way of pain.
How might depression affect my appetite and weight?
- Some people turn to overeating. Turns unhealthy , diabetes
- Other people don’t eat and might turn anemic.
Did you know that there are different types of depression? And according to consular, in 2016, LAUSD High School students were 50% likely to suffer from feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Today that number is high. Leslie and I sat down with Evelyn Alfaro, Psychiatric Social Worker at Hawkins High School and talked to her about the different types of depression.
Q: What kinds of depression do people have?
Alfredo: There can be many types. The most common at Hawkins is major depression. That is having symptoms loss of appetite sleeping a lot of even less sleep, suicidal thoughts.
Q: How could depression affect my sleep?
Alfredo: Sometimes depression affects sleep because people stay up thinking.
Q: Could depression be causing physical pain?
Alfredo: Not so much physical , the one there is a fugitive with no motivation. But some people are always tired.
Q: How might depression affect my appetite and weight?
Alfredo: Some people turn to overeating. Turns unhealthy , diabetes andOther people don’t eat and might turn anemic.